Listed below are the titles to a series of articles related to archives and records management in the local church. With only one exception the articles were written by Bill Sumners, Director and Archivist for the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives. Robert Gardner, long-time professor at Shorter College, and now archival assistant at the Georgia Baptist Collection at Mercer University authored the article, “Starting and Maintaining an Archives in Your Church” which originally appeared in Viewpoints. These articles are offered to anyone interested in church archives and records. We hope they will be useful to those concerned with preserving local church records and historical materials.
- Church Archives: A Reason for Existence
- Church Archives: Getting Started
- Church Archives: Arrangement and Description
- Church Archives: Conservation
- Vital Church Records
- Records Management in the Church
- Developing a Church Photograph Collection
- Scrapbooks
- Starting and Maintaining an Archives in Your Church
- Microfilming Your Church’s Records
- The Way We Were: Documenting Church Life Through Oral History
- Saving Grace: Preserving Church Documents
- Preserving Church Records: Comparison of Microfilm and Digitization Options