Listed below are links to a variety of Baptist digital resources. The list is arranged alphabetically by types of material. Most of the resources are scanned from the originals with some material in typescript form.
Researchers and users of the Digital Resources Collection who find these materials useful are encouraged to email the staff of the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives and provide us your impressions and use.
Citation Information: Research users of resources from the Digital Resources Collection should include the digital citation format of their choice. All citations should include the statement “Digital Resources Collection, Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee.”
African American Baptist Resources
- Alabama Colored Baptist State Convention Annuals, 1877-1929
- American Baptist Missionary Convention (1849, 1852-1854, 1859-1860), Consolidated American Baptist Missionary Convention (1869, 1872, 1877, 1879), American National Baptist Convention (1889-1891), and National Baptist Education Convention (1892)
- Christian Banner, 1900-1901, 1915-1919
- Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention Proceedings and Reports, 1899-1940
- National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., 1897-1975
- National Baptist Convention of America, 1916-1976
- National Baptist Magazine, 1894-1901
- Progressive National Baptist Convention, 1962-1974
- R. H. Boyd – J. M. Frost and T.P. Bell Correspondence, 1895-1916
Annuals – National
- Canadian National Baptist Convention (SBC) Annuals, 1966-2000
- Southern Baptist Convention Annuals, 1845-Current
Annuals – State
- Alabama Colored Baptist State Convention Annuals, 1877-1929
- Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania-South Jersey Annuals, 1971-2003
- Hawaii Baptist Convention Annuals, 1945-2000
- Nevada Baptist Convention Annuals, 1979-2017
- Ohio Baptist Convention Annuals, 1954-1999
- Tennessee Baptist Convention Executive Board Minutes, 1897-1915
- Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention Annuals, 1965-2000
- Wyoming Southern Baptist Convention Annuals, 1984-2009
Audio Visual Resources
- Baptist Hour Audio Recordings, 1941-1958
- Calling America Back to God Audio Recordings, 1939
- Christian Home Series Audio Recordings, 1943, 1946, 1948, 1956
- Conference on Biblical Inerrancy Video Recordings, 1987
- Conference on Biblical Interpretation Audio Recordings, 1988
- Consultation on Women in Church-Related Vocations Audio Recordings, 1978
- National Baptist Doctrine Conference Audio Recordings, 1988
- Pastor’s Conference Audio Recordings, 1954-1980
- SBC Historical Commission, Jimmy Carter Oral History Interview, 1991
- Southern Baptist Convention Audio Recordings, 1954-1974
- Southern Baptist Convention Video Recordings, 1975-2002, 2004-2013
- Southern Baptist Evangelistic Hour Audio Recordings, 1944-1946
- Southern Baptist Forum Audio Recordings, 1985-1990
- Spring Street USA, 1973-1975
- Tennessee Baptist Convention Audio Recordings, 1975-1992
- WMU Centennial Celebration Video Recordings, 1988
- Woman’s Missionary Union Audio Recordings, 1958-1974
Ethnic Baptist Resources
- Indian Advocate, 1846-1855
- Indian Missionary, 1880-1891
- Selected Bibliography of Hispanic Baptist History, 1981
Manuscript Collections
- Charles Alexander Leonard Missionary Correspondence, 1928-1943
- Collection of Lane Data and Associated Data, 1784-1840
- History of the Southern Baptist Chaplaincy, by Lawrence P. Fitzgerald, Ca. 1973
- James Garvin Chastain Papers, 1887-1930
- John and Thomas Westrup Missionary Correspondence, 1881-1897
- Minnie Ethel Ramsbottom Correspondence, 1919-1930
- Ralph Elliott Controversy Collection, 1961-1986
- R. B. C. Howell-A Memorial of the First Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee, 1820-1863
- R. H. Boyd – J. M. Frost and T.P. Bell Correspondence, 1895-1916
- William Carey Taylor Letters
Mission Journals
- Home and Foreign Journal, 1851-1861, 1868-1874
- Home Missions, 1930-1980, Missions USA 1981
- Foreign Mission Journal, 1874-1916
- Our Home Field and Home Field, 1888-1916
- The Home and Foreign Fields, 1916-1937
- Commission, 1849-1851, 1856-1861, 1938-1970
- Your Foreign Missions Bulletin, 1961-1965
- Associated Baptist Press News Releases, 1990-2000
- Baptist and Reflector (formerly Tennessee Baptists), 1835-2008
- Baptist Press news releases
- Western Recorder, 1879-1904, 1962-2002
Oral History Interviews
- Dargan-Carver Library, Baptist Sunday School Board Oral History Collection, 1971-1988
- SBC Historical Commission, Jimmy Carter Oral History Interview, 1991
- SBC Historical Commission, Southern Baptist Convention Presidents Oral History Collection, 1974-1992
- Baptist Preacher, 1842-1859
- Baptists United News, 1972-1986
- Bulletin Seminary Extension Department, 1952-1962
- Cakira, 1946-1996, 1998, 2000
- Christian Frontiers, 1946-1949
- Confederate Baptist, 1862-1865
- Frontier Baptist News, 1958-1969
- Home Department Magazine (1910-1934) and The Better Home (1935-1946)
- Indian Advocate, 1846-1855
- Indian Missionary, 1880-1891
- Light, 1948-2004
- Nationwide Baptist Digest, 1947-1952
- Nebraska Baptist Association Newsletter, 1971-1973
- One Spirit: Women in Church Staff Leadership, 1996-2002
- Parlor Visitor, 1854-1857
- Quarterly Review, 1941-1980
- Report From The Capital, 1946-1984
- Salt and E-Salt, 1991-2006
- Search, 1981-1993
- Southern Baptist and General Intelligencer, 1835-1836
- Southern Baptist Chaplains Bulletins and Newsletters, 1952-1995
- Taproot, 1929-1930
- Tennessee Baptist History Journal, 1999-2019
Photographic Collections
- Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives Photographs (selected images)
- Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Pictorial Albums, 1934-1948
- Lantern Slide Collection, 1900-1930 (selected images)
- Don Rutledge Photographs, 1966-1996 (selected images)
Reference Sources
- Bibliographies, 1967-1992 (selected bibliographies)
- Biographies, Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives (selected biographies, typescripts)
- Conference on Biblical Inerrancy Program, 1987
- Consultation on Women in Church Related Vocations Program, 1978
- Index of Graduate Theses in Baptist Theological Seminaries, 1894-1979
- Index to SBC Annuals, 1845-1984
- Light and Salt Indexes, 1978-1995
- Resumes of the Significant Events in the History of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1812-1980
- Southern Baptist Convention Handbook, 1921-1993
- Southern Baptist Forum Programs, 1985-1990
- Southern Baptist Pastor’s Conference Programs, 1954-1980
- Southern Baptist Periodical Index, 1965-2000
- Woman’s Missionary Union Programs, 1958-1974
Research Studies
- Annual Church Profile Statistical Reports, 1994-2003
- Baptist VIEWpolls, 1969-1984
- Brief History of the Baptist Student Union, 1949
- Calling the Family Back Together, Research Report, 1993
- Conferences on Baptist Unity, 1962-1963
- Consultation on Women in Church Related Vocations Findings Report, 1978
- Home Mission Board/North American Mission Board Research Reports, 1963-2009
- Integrating Faith and Learning in Higher Education, 2000
- Southern Baptist Convention Cooperative Program, 1925-1980
- Southern Baptist Student Work, A History
- Southern Baptists and the Negro 1954-1964, 1965
- Study of Co-operative Work Between Southern Baptists and Negro Baptists, 1960
- Training Union in Retrospect, 1962
- Transition Plan for Covenant for a New Century, 1996
Sermons and Addresses
- John Rowan Claypool Sermon Collection, 1962-1981
- R. B. C. Howell Sermons, 1838-1867
- Southern Baptist Convention Presidential Addresses, 1853, 1919-1923, 1939, 1951-2018
- Southern Baptist Convention Sermons, 1846-2019
- Southern Baptist Forum Sermons and Addresses, 1986-1990
- Southern Baptist Pastor’s Conference Sermons, 1951-1994
- Woman’s Missionary Union Addresses, 1962-1974
Woman’s Missionary Union Resources
- Our Mission Fields (1906-1914) and Royal Service (1914-1978)
- WMU Centennial Celebration News Stories, 1988
- WMU Centennial Celebration Program Guide to Video Recordings, 1988