February 22-24, 1988
The National Baptist Doctrine Conference was held February 22-24, 1988, in Nashville, Tennessee. The purpose of the Conference was to provide preparation and context for an annual doctrine study conducted in April in many Southern Baptist churches. The conference was sponsored by the Church Training Department of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Speakers at the event included Eugene Coty, Billie Friel, Richard Jackson, Altus Newell, Walter Shurden, William Stephens, and Daniel Vestal. The historic Baptist doctrine of the priesthood of all believers was a major focus of the event.
Recordings in this presentation were recorded on cassette tape format by the Sunday School Broad, SBC. The recordings contain the major addresses and presentations at the Conference. File titles of the recordings provide speakers’ names and presentation title/topic. Listeners of the recordings need to be aware that the quality of the recordings is uneven, with some recordings better and easier to understand than others.