In the 1954, the Historical Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention commenced a project to index proceedings of the annuals of the Convention. In addition to Historical Commission staff, the Commission utilized assistance of individuals at the Sunday School Board, a faculty member from the library school of Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee, a retired pastor from Chatham, Virginia, and staff of the Baptist Information Retrieval Service to prepare the index volumes. The indexes cover years 1845-1984. The volume for years 1966-1972 is missing. The indexes apply only to the proceedings in the annuals. The reports of the boards and agencies are not indexed. Everything these boards reported directly to the Convention that called for discussion or action or the determination or definition of policy has been covered in the index of the proceedings. The indexes do not include a reference to every person listed in the annual, but persons prominent in the affairs of the Convention are included as subject entries. Major subject headings are listed alphabetically, in all-capital letters. Adequate cross-index references have been prepared in the indexes. Dates are listed chronologically, stating the year of the annual in which the citation may be found, the page number of that particular book, and the section or paragraph number. The index volumes are any word searchable. The SBC annuals for years 1845-2021 have been digitized and are available here.