The Conference on Biblical Inerrancy was held May 4-7, 1987, at Ridgecrest Baptist Conference Center in Ridgecrest, North Carolina. The conference was sponsored by the six seminaries of the Southern Baptist Convention. Scholars, pastors, and interested laypersons gathered to study and discuss key issues in biblical inerrancy. The Conference grew out of the presidents’ “Glorieta Statement” made to the SBC Peace Committee on October 20, 1986.
Recordings in this presentation were recorded on VHS format by the Baptist Telecommunications Network of the Sunday School Broad, SBC. The recordings contain the major addresses and responses at the Conference. Recordings of seminar papers presented at the Conference are not included. The recordings are organized in the order in which the address appeared on the program. File titles of the recordings provide the speaker’s name and presentation title. Names of the individuals presenting responses to the addresses are not listed in the file titles but can be located in the Conference program here.