The William Carey Taylor Letters are located at the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives. The collection consists of a series of printed letters by William Carey Taylor that were distributed to individuals and libraries. The letters include his writings on various theological and historical subjects. These topics include Campbellism, Catholicism, baptism, and individuals in Baptist history. Some of these individuals include: Philip Slater Fall, T.T. Eaton, John Smyth, Thomas Helwys, W.C. Taylor, Sr., and W. T. Conner. Most of the letters are numbered, but not dated and printed out of Louisville, Kentucky. The collection includes 42 numbered letters and 6 topical letters. The letters are any word searchable.
William Carey Taylor was born September 30, 1886, in Mayfield, Kentucky. He received his B.A. degree form Bethel College in Russellville, Kentucky. He completed his Th.M. and Th.D. degrees at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas. He served as pastor to several church in Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Texas before his appointment as missionary to Brazil by the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. He worked primarily as an educator in Brazil, serving as President and Dean of the North Brazil Seminary in Reife, Brazil. His tenure as missionary ended in 1956 and he resided in Louisville, Kentucky. He died March 18, 1971.