The Quarterly Review was a publication of the Sunday School Board (now Lifeway Christian Resources) of the Southern Baptist Convention. The first issue was published in January, 1941. The publication sought to reach the pastoral and denominational leadership of Southern Baptists with vital statistical and general information. The publication regularly featured historical information and sought to interpret Southern Baptist progress and programs. The third quarter issue contained the Southern Baptist Handbook, a statistical survey of Southern Baptist programs and activities for a given year. Statistical information included data on church membership, baptisms, Sunday School enrollment, Vacation Bible Schools, and more. General and historical topics covered in the Quarterly Review included accounts of missions programs of the Home Mission Board including work with Negroes, Cuba, and Mountain Missions; Foreign Mission Board activities; Woman’s Missionary Union programs; various programs of the Sunday School Board; the Laymen’s Missionary Movement; Baptist hospitals and orphanages; Baptist colleges, seminaries, and the American Baptist Theological Seminary; Baptist journalism; the Historical Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention; and state Convention work among Southern Baptists. A Pastor’s Periscope section and suggestions for sermons were also included. The publication was rich in photographs of Baptist personalities and church and denominational programs and activities. The Quarterly Review ceased publication in 1990.