1930-1980, Missions USA 1981
The Southern Baptist Home Missions magazine began in 1930 as a quarterly bulletin. In 1938, the Home and Foreign Fields was discontinued and the Southern Baptist Home Missions became a monthly magazine. The magazine usually included articles by the Executive Secretary and the Editor. Information in the magazine focused on the ministry areas of the Home Mission Board in Atlanta, Georgia. These included mission work with immigrants, Hispanics, African Americans, Jews, Native Americans, refugees, seamen, the deaf, and other special groups. The issues included information on the missionaries, such as deaths and appointments, or reassignments. By the 1960s the articles began to focus on ministries to neglected people and dealt with social concerns as poverty, women’s issues, and the racial divide. Evangelism in cities and rural areas were constant areas of concern. Home Mission Board work with state conventions and local associations were also topics of interest. The magazine promoted Cooperative Program giving and the Annie Armstrong mission offering. In 1981 the magazine was renamed, Missions USA.