The Consultation on Women in Church-Related Vocations was held September 20-22, 1978, in Nashville, Tennessee. The purpose of the Consultation was to address the changing roles and rising demands of women in missions, ministry, and other Baptist professions. The Consultation emerged from discussions of the Missions Coordination Subcommittee of the Inter-Agency Council in 1977-1978. All SBC agencies were invited to participate in sponsoring this first Southern Baptist Convention-wide forum on women. The following joined as sponsors: Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, Brotherhood Commission, Christian Life Commission, Foreign Mission Board, Historical Commission, Home Mission Board, Radio and Television Commission, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Sunday School Board, and Woman’s Missionary Union. The meeting was geared to provide SBC agencies a body of findings for use in employment, policy making, educational programs, and vocational guidance. More than 300 persons paid registration fees. Among them were SBC and state convention executives, pastors, college and seminary faculty, and students. More than two-thirds of the attendees were women. The Consultation’s Findings Report, distributed to registrants at the meeting, included addresses, research, and discussion summaries. The report is any word searchable.
A program to the Consultation is available here.
The audio recordings of the Consultation are available here.