The Baptist Preacher, originally named Virginia Baptist Preacher, was a monthly journal published out of Richmond, Virginia from 1842 to 1859. The journal usually featured one or two sermons from Baptist ministers, mostly from Virginia, but eventually expanded to include sermons of other Baptist ministers throughout America, although primarily in the South. Henry Keeling served as editor of the Baptist Preacher, which changed its name from the Virginia Baptist Preacher in 1845. For some years the journal includes an index in the January issue. The journal includes sermons from a wide variety of Baptist ministers including some well know preachers. Some of the ministers included in the journal are J.B. Jeter, William Carey Crane, H. E. Taliaferro, R.B.C. Howell, E. L. Magoon, Andrew Broaddus, C. D. Mallary, A.M. Pointexter, Richard Fuller, and H.H. Tucker. The sermons cover a wide range of topics including theological and doctrinal matters, church practices and beliefs, personal ethics and behaviors, and missions and evangelism. The publication was primarily a monthly but became more irregular in the later years of its production. The Baptist Preacher ceased publication in 1859